E2000 problems with older wireless cards at shorter range :

Unable to connect with older wireless cards at VERY short range.

Some older wireless cards such as the Intel Pro Wireless 3945ABG may not work properly if they are less the 24” from the router.

PS3 reports error during network test. If user runs network test in PS3 desktop it will report an error and say to contact router maker.

Some PC’s are slow when surfing the web when Parental Controls is enabled in Cisco Connect: ( E2000)

With Parental Control enabled in CC, some PC’s are slow when surfing the web:

Router is configured and CC is installed with Parental Controls enabled on CC. It can be more readily reproduced using browsers like Safari and Firefox (on a Mac or PC). Only affects the computers that do not have a policy set for the websites that are being block on other PC’s.

SCENARIO EXAMPLE 1) make sure you have internet access and enable parental control on PC1.2) Connect PC2 to the primary network, make sure you have internet access. Next, block Internet Access for PC2 using CC 3) Connect PC3 to the primary network and access a website

Expected Result: The PC3 should not be affected by blocking rules set on PC2. Actual Result: PC3 experiences significant delay when accessing sites.

You can setup your router without CD. Click here for more information

The Hardware warranty for the Linksys E series router is 1 year but the Free technical support over the phone will be only for 90 days.

3 thoughts on “Issues with Linksys E1000 E2000 E3000 – Part1”

  1. Linksys e1000 router not broadcasting
    My router has recently stopped broadcasting wifi, unfortunately it also no longer lets me use it as a router to get internet. if i plug directly into the modem i can get internet. but while using the router i get a computer symbol with an explanation mark on it (on 2 different computers) the 3 bars that show that its broadcasting isn’t lighting up and i am at a loss to figure out how to get it working again.

  2. i bought a e1000 router and i have a newer laptop .. all the lights are on and everything is hooked up but everytime I try to connect it says there is a problem. What do I do?

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